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雷霆三巨头_公牛视频_中超球队积分榜_德乙2024-2025赛季 - 拜仁vs曼城预测

DISTA成立于1996年,總部設在美國加州舊金山市,是一家具備直營車公司,停車場,零售業的大型旅運企業;也是NTA(美國國家旅游協會)挑選為接待中國團組的指定旅行社(NTA's China Inbound Program Approved Tour Operator)。 并于2010年獲批成為加拿大ADS團體簽證特權單位。

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We offer a distinguished range of services that encompass an exceptional summer camp experience, a diverse selection of tour packages spanning the United States and other captivating destinations throughout the Americas, as well as personalized and tailored tour packages. Moreover, we provide exclusive educational and business visiting packages meticulously designed for small and medium-sized business owners.

Our summer camp is crafted to deliver a memorable and enriching experience, blending enjoyable activities with meaningful learning opportunities. Our meticulously curated tour packages allow travelers to embark on an extensive exploration of the United States and other captivating American countries, immersing themselves in unique cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and remarkable landmarks.

For those seeking a more personalized experience, we take great pride in crafting tailored tour packages that cater to individual preferences, ensuring an unforgettable journey customized to specific desires and interests.

Furthermore, our specialized education and business visiting packages cater specifically to the needs of small and medium-sized business owners, providing valuable opportunities to engage with esteemed educational institutions, businesses, and industry leaders. These programs facilitate professional growth, networking, and cultural immersion, offering an extraordinary educational and business experience.

As we captivate approximately 25,000 customers from China annually, we proudly showcase our wealth of expertise and impeccable reputation in the industry. Our enduring partnerships with esteemed institutions such as Brand USA, Visit California, the Los Angeles Tourism Bureau, the New York Tourism Bureau, and even Harvard University, stand as a testament to our unwavering commitment to cultivating lasting and expansive relationships.



2011 Dista All rights reserved. 粵ICP備13055852號

波士頓總部: Add:One Boston Place, suite 2600, Boston,MA 02108 Tel:001-617-990-2916

中國廣州公司地址:廣東省廣州市恒福路288號恒福閣3座6層 咨詢電話:020-83251005 83251068 傳真:020-83251001